Tuto flash dm800

In this section we will add every day new tutorial for how to flash your receiver, configure it with cccam emu and enjoy watching all your favorites packages

How to flash dm800 HD using ethernet cable and web browser

N.B: Please be sure for your bootloader version ( you can get it from browser , in this expemple bootloader is #57)

N.B 2 : Dm800 hd and dm800 hd se don't have the same image

N.B 3 : Image for original dreambox is not the same for clone one ( you can broke your box )

You will find in download section the best image for each bootloader

*You need the image file you want to flash. Image files have the extension *.nfi. You can't flash other
images like *.img files. Don't try it - it won't work.

*You need either a DHCP server, a configured bootloader or a serial cable and a terminal program
like HyperTerm.

*You need a browser, and a network cable. If you connect the Dreambox directly to the PC,
you need a cross cable, if you connect trough a switch/hub/router you need a normal
(non-cross) cable.

To flash a new image, you can use the second stage loader. It must be present and not broken.

The following steps assume you have a DHCP server.
If you don't have one, you have to setup an IP address in the bootloader's serial setup: (same like DM8000)

- Power down the Dreambox, either using "shutdown" and by removing the power connector.
Standby is not enough!
Dm800 1

- (1.) Press and hold the power button. Replug the power connector into the Dreambox.
- (3.) A text "*** STOP ***" should appear. Now you can release the button.
The bootloader entered the "waiting" mode.
- (4.) Above the "*** STOP ***" text, there should appear an IP-address
(four decimal values with a dot in between). If there appears the string "dhcp" instead,
the box still searches for a DHCP server. Wait a bit. If it doesn't change, something doesn't
work with the DHCP server. Check wether network cable is plugged in etc. If it just doesn't
work, set an IP using the serial terminal
Dm800 2

- Now, open a browser on your PC.
(1.) enter in the address line "http://ip/" (where ip must be replaced with the value in the LCD).
- (2.) on the bottom of the page, there's a link called "firmware upgrade". Click it.

Dm800 3

- On the next page, you can select the flash image you want to flash. be sure that it has the ".nfi" extension.
You can't flash other images (like .img)!
- Click on "FLASH!" and wait. It might take some time to upload and flash the image.
- Switch the box off again, and on again. The new image should be flashed and working.

For more detail please contact us : http://www.dreamsharing.tv/en/contact-us.html

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